Valerfons is the capital of Dracheim, the big city in the middle land, which is named from a combination of Latin etymology (Vale-, Valiant) and (-Fons, Fountain), it`s the place where those valiant living, serving as a cultural and political center. A historical city full of its pride, after several dynasties conquering, it has become the symbol of glory, blood and sand, waiting for its king.
Valerfons 是 Dracheim 的首都, 中原首府、勇士之城,由拉丁语(Vale-, 勇士) 和 (-Fons, 源泉) 构成, 作为帝国的文化和政治中心的历史之都,一个荣耀之城,数个朝代一来,几经对外征伐,荣耀、血与沙是它的主题,正等待它的国王。

Squamrex is the language of Dracheim, which is named from a combination of Latin etymology (Squama-, Squamatus, Squamata) and (-Rex, King), and serves as the orthodox language for draconian citizen, aristocrat and formal scenarios. Squamrex is for all Squamnains and in order to unify all Squamnains (including Draconian, Hydra, Lizardian, and its kins), which is also called king`s language.
Squamrex 是 Dracheim 的语言,由拉丁语(Squama-, Squamatus, Squamata, 有鳞目、蜥蜴目) 和 (-Rex, 王) 构成, 是龙族公民、贵族和书面的正统语言。 Squamrex 目的是为了统一龙族、Hydra、Lizardian在内的其他亲族的官话语言,也称为王之语言。
Jesus f**k these noises, writing and changing languages between English, Chinese, Latin and Nordic is f**king killing me, so have fun and contriving.